
So aside from being vegan, I am also what is commonly referred to as a 'Crazy Cat Lady'.  I don't deny this fact.  To be truthful, I am actually very proud.
I have always loved cats ever since I was small, despite actually being allergic.  My first feline friend was Ben - my uncle's ginger tom who I loved very much.  He was the first cat that didn't make me sneeze and was a gorgeous little boy.
Then came random cats around my home who I would go into my garden and play with.  One of these was called Marley - a little black kitten who I adored.
Then came Rosie.  My cat.

Chosen 19 years ago from the Cat's Protection league, my little tuxedo baby owns my heart.  She is part Siamese and howls and yowls and cries and yells and chats and is possessive and proud.  She is my constant companion and as we have both grown up together, we have become closer.  She literally is my little shadow now and has me wrapped around her little paw something ridiculous! 

I could not have asked for a better cat to fall in love with.  With her I experience an unconditonal, pure love, and I reflect it right back onto her.  All cats deserve a happy home, and I am just thankful to have been blessed for so long with such a little treasure. 

I know cats can be a bit standoffish and rude and it's all on their terms ... But that is what I love about them.  They're not easy.  You earn their trust and affection (pardoning the random cat whores who come up to you in the street and are all "Love me!  Stroke me!  Love meeeee!!").  I do like these kinds of cats too, and will spend a while sat on the pavement just stroking them.  Half wanting them to follow me home.  Then panicking when they start to.  I walk down the street looking for cats to stroke and money to pick up. 

We are lucky to have another gorgeous kitty called Smudge in our household.  He was a stray that used to wander around the gardens but never had a home, so we decided to feed him, and now he has residency in his own ground floor flat with garden and central heating.  He is the sweetest tom, with a heart of gold, who will dribble on your hands as you stroke him and make little pigeon noises at you.  Sadly, him and Rosie cannot be friends as my little girl is too old to have to deal with some new cat prancing about in her territory - so we keep them separate.  A love that will never be.... But he is a very happy boy indeed. 

I have also recently befriended a new cat, in the form of Rolo.  A Sealpoint Ragdoll whose daddy is my boyfriend.  He  is a ridiculous little boy (when I say little, I don't mean it.  He is a beast!).  And is a dog in a cat's body.  You throw his toys to him and he will fetch and drop them before you.  He is a seriously stunning cat, with cuteside tufts on his feeties.  So let's see how this little friendship develops !!


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